Friday, September 2, 2011

Hey guys

So I haven't posted in a while. I was supposed to write a story but I keep getting distracted by things I need to do. That and my husbands 'You can beat this on your own without a support group. It's all in your head and you're strong enough to beat this' comment just kind of makes me want to forget all of this just to show him how hurtful his comment was. I made it to 114 guys. I literally slipped and for two days I ate only one meal a day. I ate more yesterday, and will today too o-O...this morning I was 116 so I guess I'm back to normal. Whatever the bloody hell that means.

I hope all of you are doing well! I plan on writing a story for you on Sunday. Fingers crossed? Be safe everyone! I'm sorry I haven't written any comments on you guys blogs. I love you all!

-the Silent Observer-

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