Monday, August 8, 2011


Ok guys! I'm at the halfway mark. I'm still bothered by putting on this weight. Especially since t means going from 600 intake to 800. Yeah I'm not thrilled. So I know I said I would type up a story today but I just don't feel like it. So I will probably do it tomorrow. That is if anyone still wishes to read them. I have a feeling my Sev/Harry turned everyone away from me in the reading department. Kind of makes me sad.

But yeah. Today I finally made it to 115. I get to exercise. Woohoo!
Today I'm having Veggie Tequito, a hard boiled egg, ramen( dried...I want to eat them like chips...but I'm removing the msg laced packet and putting cajun seasoning instead lol!), fruit, cherry tomatoes (nom!), and either tea, water, or a root beer. I can't believe I'm stuffing my face with this much foooood. I feel so fat. Hubby got mad at me this mooring cause I looked at my belly and it's bigger (he doesn't see it but I definitely do =_=) and I said I felt fat. He's like 'You aren't fat! You piss me off when you say that'. I understand that I'm frustrating with this but I can't help what I see...or how I feel. I hope this goes away because I don't want to make him mad anymore.

Anyways. I've managed to stay away from the brownies...and any other milk induced products. I feel pretty good that I've been able to stay away from milk.
Also...I'm starting on my second chapter of my new Harry Potter story. I've decided there won't be any pairings...but I still haven't come up with a name lol!

I better go. I love you all! Be safe and know that I think of you!

-the Silent Observer-

1 comment:

  1. God I would die to be at 115- that's my first goal weight.
    I need to go back and start to read your Harry Potter story from the start! You're an incredible writer!
