Thursday, August 4, 2011

I was...happy?

It's definitely a new feeling but this morning when I got on the scale it read 114. I was happy at the gain...but also disappointed that it wasn't 115! I kinda took a startled step back in my thoughts and went 'Wait...what?'
Shortly after that I got worries that hubby would be disappointed that I hadn't gained...but he was like 'I don't expect you to be 120 over night, kitty. I would love it if you were, but this takes time.'
Talk about my mouth joining the floorboards (or carpet in this case...erm...which reminds me...I need to vacuum lol!)

In other news: Hubby wants me to try 'us' working on fixing everything first. I told him I still need to go to a group. Because as much as he'd like to help...there are just something's that aren't going away and I have no clue how to make it stop. You can't just flip a switch and 'POOF!' I'm fixed. I mean it'd be great if it were that easy (could you imagine all the people who'd have easier lives if it were? Less deaths...less sadness...less pain)...but we all know it isn't so simple.
I have to wait anyways. This week was the first Open Meeting but Larry isn't able to take me. And his family would call me stupid if we asked them for help in getting me there. So I have to wait until the 25th before I can try again (you have to go to 4 consecutive OM before going to any of the Closed Meetings).

So I've decided to bore you all with an old pic of me...but only if you guys ask for it lol! It's like...2007 old or...maybe 8...I don't remember lol! And you guys get choice of another story (although I think I already picked one exclusively for Dandelion...because she loves Sev as much as I do! Lol!)...There's my Sev/Harry(incest) Siri/Harry/Regulus(incest) -Hey I was on a kick...and those stories wouldn't be written in any other way (I triiiied!)...or another Draco/Harry- though it's one of my old ones...all my Drarry's are old lol!

Let me know! I'm sure I'll be spazzing later...or not...but I know for lunch I'll either be having my Veggie Tequito (rice/jalapeƱos/tomatoes/onions/hotsauce/toasted tortilla shell) or maybe a PB/Jelly Sammich *snerk* with fruiiiiit and maybe a few baby carrots lol! I'm surprised I haven't spazzed yet...let's hope it lasts all day right?
To all who are on MC please continue to be safe and good luck!
To everyone else, be safe!
I love you all! Thank you for the encouragement to get better! It means alot!

-the Silent Observer-

Ps- Erm...thank Dandelion for the idea of putting a pic out did kind of do it first lol! Still...I won't do it if no one really cares to see lol!

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see honey! if you think it's safe to post it out here in the general web :3 you both are so much braver than I lol...

    Glad you're having an upturn, and GL with the meetings. Sucks that you couldn't make it to the one this week :( Keep us updated <3
