Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Flaying Me Alive

Alright. So I'm trying to convince hubby that it's a good idea for me to go to the local support group. Granted I'm still terrified...because me + people = a nervous Ann, but I'm willing to go if it will help me in the long run. Otherwise all Larry is doing is putting a band aid on an open wound. It's just not going to do me any good. I want to believe I could handle this alone but we all know that it's just not possible. Anyways. Today I weighed 114. One more pound and I can exercise again! I'm excited about it! I miss working out!
For those of you who are supporting me via online, thank you! I really don't know how I could do this without you guys encouraging/supporting me from the start. I just hope none of you get tired of me or leave me just because I'm trying to get better. Hey it's a very real paranoia for me. Continued luck for all of you who are still on MC! And luck for anyone who wishes to get better...and love for those who don't...I love you all! Please be safe!
So without further ado...the Voldie/Harry that was requested lol!

Flaying Me Alive- Voldemort/slave!Harry-Warnings: um this one is pretty bloody. Slightly insane Harry. Slash. Rape(sorta)...character death...and Vampirism. Master/Slave. Enjoy!


I felt it as he tore into my flesh. Sinking his fangs into me as if he were starving. I knew he wasn't. He claimed he loved me. Would protect me. Would never be angry. Yet here he was. Tearing into me as if he hadn't eaten in ages. Punishing me no doubt for something I had done. Which, of course, brought me to my current thoughts. What had I done? Did I not do the dishes?
No. I had. I wouldn't be so careless with my Master's food ware. Was it because I wasn't quite finished with the laundry?
It was something he enjoyed watching me do.
Oh! I forgot to clean the dungeons. Maybe there was still time to do that tonight, to make up for my negligence. I really deserved it then. Yes I did. Every hit or bite he gave me I needed. I was bad. Bad. Bad. Bad boy. I couldn't do anything right. That's why I have my Master. He knows what I need. How I should act.

I was brought out of my musings when he penetrated me without preparing me. I screamed in pain, feeling every thrust as if he were pulling my insides out.
I'm so sorry, Master. I'll do better next time, Master. I love you. Thank you for disciplining me,Master. I deserve it. I'm a disgrace to you Master. Rip me apart with your fangs. Use me. Destroy me. Whatever makes you happy.

And he did. Like reading my thoughts, he tore into my neck, lapping hungrily at the blood that gushed out. It hadn't been this bad in a while. He must really be livid. He didn't even notice that I was hard. That I was getting off on his punishment. He was just pushing his beautiful cock in me. In me. In me.
I think I could feel him in the back of my throat. Speaking of said part of my anatomy, it burned like hell. Penance.

"I'm sorry Master. I'll do better." I croaked out at last and he grunted in his release, oblivious to my cum as I gazed at his face suffused in bliss.

I don't know if he heard me. But then his crimson eyes locked with mine and I gulped reflexively. His stare was intense and I was forced to avert my eyes. Don't look Master in the eyes. Why did I break this rule?

"My poor little pet. Do you even know why you should be apologizing? Why you were punished?" he crooned, touching my cheek.

I shook my head, blood still pouring from my neck. I saw black spots in front of my eyes and blinked them away. No. I had to stay awake. He grinned viciously, gripped my hair and tugged my head to the side angrily, causing my wound to open more, allowing the blood to flow more freely. He leaned down, licking at it, prodding his tongue in like he was fucking my neck. I felt the thick muscle playing with the artery and tendons there. I wanted to scream. But I bit my lip viciously to remain silent, knowing my Master required it of me. I was to accept this. It, too, was punishment.
Finally he pulled away and bit my ear harshly.

"I saw Snape kissing you in the hall."

My eyes widened. I never wanted that! Never! That flea bitten mutt had cornered me! Told me he could be a better Master. Told me sweet nothings that only served to piss me off.

"Master! He said he could be better than you! I never wanted that but he forced himself on me! I was off dreaming about the fluffy things I'd seen in the garden and wasn't paying attention."

Eyes narrowed at me, he used our link to infiltrate my memories of the event. With a howl of rage he scratched at my chest with his nails, drawing more blood and inwardly I winced. It was going to be hard to clean out of the sheets.

"I will deal with him for this betrayal. First I must deal with you. I know I said I would never turn you. I didn't want you to feel such an insanity inducing pain. However, I find I don't much care. You didn't push him off of you. You did not obliterate him. You allowed him to touch what is MINE. Therefore, I will turn you, my pet. And you will not leave this room until I am back." he commanded, mouth near my wound once more.

I shuddered in fear. I swallowed. I would do anything. Anything so that my Master wouldn't be angry with me anymore.

"Will this please you, Master?" I whimpered. No more mad. No more. I couldn't take it.

Master smirked, pointed fangs glistening as his red eyes flare in desire. Fuck I wish he would take me again.

"Yes. And if you do as I say you will be rewarded."

I nodded, blinking back more spots. Chuckling, he allowed venom to form a film on his fangs, then bit my already torn throat. I screamed and I was dimly aware of his pulling out and away. Dressing himself. Leaving. But then all I could focus on was the pain. The pain. Oh it screeched through my veins, ate at my skin. I felt it creep into my eyes and I desperately wanted to claw at them. It was as if needles were being jammed into my body, tearing at my skin, poking my insides.
Oh mister black sheep
Have you any wool?
No sir. No sir.
You're a fool.

I cried and screamed. Why wouldn't it end? Please Master! I'm sorry! I won't do it again! If ever anyone touches me. Looks at me. They'll die!
I love you!
I love you!
Oh please!

Suddenly all went black. Blissfully black.

When I awoke I was alone still. Hungry. But I could see so much better. And I was starving. Yes I know I repeated myself. I needed to eat. But I hadn't gotten his permission. I gnawed on my lip. Then moaned when I tasted the blood that flooded my tongue when my sharp fangs pierced it. Hungrily I turned my attention to my arm and began to bite at it instead.
This was how my Master found me.

"Poor little pet. Are you hungry?"

I whimpered as the metallic scent of blood wafted from the door. He held up a goblet to me and I wriggled on the bed like a puppy.

"Until I am no longer necessary."

He smirked and handed the goblet over. I guzzled the blood down and shivered. This was divine. Master's blood, I could tell. I let my tongue snake out and lap at the insides of the cup. I looked up at my Master and noticed he was covered in blood not his own, and tilted my head.

"Severus is dead my pet."

I shrugged. I didn't much care.

"Next time you will kill anyone who touches you."

I nodded willing to do anything.
I beamed at his next words as he flung me to the bed to take me once more.

"Good pet."


For those who asked...yus this is one of my newer ones as well. You can tell my older crappy blah from the newer ones lol! But the Sev/Harry and this one are both fairly new x3

Alright I'm going to go make some homemade veggie Tequitos now...rice/tomatoes/jalapeƱos/hotsauce...nom! I love you guys! Be safe!

-the Silent Observer-

1 comment:

  1. Whoa that was super freaky (in a good way), you know I swear I keep seeing bits of Twilight in your HP fics xD Shame Snape had to die though :'( I wuv Snape. Keep 'em coming! x
