Thursday, August 11, 2011

Afterlife Tourniquet

Alright guys! It's time for another story! First I'll update. I am 116.5 this morning and I'm actually ok with it. I'm sure I'll spazz tomorrow but for right now I'm ok with it. I've been eating all of my meals without fail...and I'm really happy about it. Although I really don't like having so much food on my plate lol. I think some of my weight is water weight (period is supposed to start in a few days) but I'm hoping that's not the case (which is odd)


Afterlife Tourniquet- past Drarry/Pre-Fen/Harry- Warning: mentions of infidelity, character death...reincarnation...slash...


The blood was bubbling in my throat. I could feel it. All my body longed to do was cough it out. But I refused. I was in charge of this disease. Not the other way around. I winced though. It hurt alot. This itching clawing need to cough out the clotted blood in my lungs. It's festering and putrifying evil, sneaking it's way through my veins so that I suffocated in my own bodily fluids. I was dying. I didn't care one bit. After all, what did I have to live for? A husband who was currently cheating on me with a healthy woman of all things? Friends who left you because of who you married? Children who died as miscarriages because of a disease I had no clue of until recently?
No. I had no one.
Which was fine, I supposed. Finally I could rest and join my babies who I never was able to hold. To love.

The niggling in the back of my throat became too much and I finally gave way to the coughing fit my body so desperately wanted. It wasn't always like this you know. Draco and I had a beautiful marriage. Hardly ever had fights. The sex was great too. But then came the failed pregnancies, and menthe news of my illness. Draco became distant. Off. Then suddenly, recently, he'd become happy again. I knew it wasn't because of me. I looked into it and found out why. He'd been cheating on me with Pansey Parkinson.
In fact that's where he was now. Out with the tramp. I was waiting for them to get here, although they didn't know it. I was serving Draco the papers for divorce today. I'd already signed them. Once everything was settled I would Apparate to my little cabin and die peacefully. Even though, in all technicality, I wasn't supposed to Apparate as it could make the coughing fits worse, but either way I was dying. Who cared. Although I guess I would miss a few people. Severus and I had become friends. He and Lucius have been secretly married for years, did you know that? Yeah. It was a shock to me too. They were trying for some children now that the war was over. Then there was my friendship with Fenrir.
Yup the great and mighty leader of the British Coven of Werewolves.
He constantly called me cub or pup and as much as I loved it, I secretly winced as well. After all, both Remus and Sirius would call me that when they were alive. But I enjoyed his company. We would sit and talk for hours about his pack, which made me want to just flee with them. I refused to though. I didn't want to spread this to the pack. I guess I would be missed then. Wait until Lucius found out that his son was a cheating lying prick. I wonder what Luc's reaction would be? Or Sev's? Heck, I'll bet Fenrir will be hunting Draco for the rest of the blond's life. Not that I cared.
Not anymore.

The wards flared as Draco passed them and I flinched, brought out of my musings by the high pitched laugh of the hint formally known as Pansey. I ground my teeth in irritation. I always hated her voice. It was so annoying. So...girly. I shuddered and after a minor coughing fit, straightened out my robes, stood ramrod stiff, and moved my facial features into a cold mask of nonchalance. Like this didn't bother me. I was above it all. When they both walked intothe front parlor, kissing I might add, they both halted upon noticing me. Inwardly, I smirked as Draco's face paled, Pansey not far off from him. I felt like grinning one of Fenrir's grins. Oh victory was so sweet.

"H-Harry? I thought you weren't supposed to be home until later!" Draco stuttered, attempting to act like he wasn't just caught making out with the slag.

I sneered faintly instead of answering and simply held out the papers to him. He shockingly took them from me and I felt smug when his face crumpled in sorrow as he read it's contents. I glared at Pansey before turning, keeping myself poised and collected as I left out the way they came in. I wanted to cough so bad it was beginning to hurt but I staved it off until I made it to the apparition point, turned, and disapperated to my cabin.

I collapse to the forest floor, feeling free for the first time in ages. I began to laugh which caused my coughing to kick in. I couldn't stop this time. I inwardly rolled my eyes at my plight. Of course I would die after gaining my freedom. Why not. I was fate's boy toy anyways, yeah?
I curled on my side, eyes watering with the need to breathe, lips stained red as blood glob after glob flew out of my mouth. I was drowning. Alone. I stared at the grass as darkness began to fall in my wooded haven. I smirked even though my coughing had subsided to feeble gurgles. I couldn't really breathe around the oppressive weight of the blood. The smirk grew until my bloodstained teeth were visible. I heard a chuckle above me and turned my head slightly, grin still in place.

"F-Fen." I gasped out, futily attempting to reach out to him.

He knelt, concern flitting through his eyes even as his grin never left his face. Neither did mine for that matter. I felt relief really, that my friend would see me through to the end. Maybe in another life we'd be able to take our friendship further.

"Hello, pup. Ready for death?" he whispered, nuzzling the side of my face with his own.

I finally was able to grasp his toes through the dirt and grass surrounding me and I gave him a quick squeeze.
"I'll make it quick."

I coughed a bit, then reached in my pocket for the letters I had written toggles who would miss me. I'd nearly forgotten them in my confrontation with Draco.

"L-look out for me." I whispered. I would be back. This time it would be different.

He gave me a firm nod, took the letters, placed them on the dirt, then transformed into his wolf form. I grinned when his maw closed around my throat, adding pressure.

"Love you." I croaked and knew no more.


Fenrir followed his nose to the home of Severus Snape and Lucius. He'd been waiting for this scent for years. Fifteen to be exact. It had been that long since his dearest friend had died.
So many things had changed since then. Draco and Pansey had been married, divorced and misereable. Draco had been disinheriated when Lucius found out just what had happened to Harry. Severus refused to speak to either of his former Slytherians. Shortly thereafter, Draco sequestered himself away and wasn't seen by anyone anymore. Pansey lost face with most of her peers and she commited suicide. A month after Harry's death, Lucius announced that they were expecting a baby boy.
Fenrir smirked as he thought of all the mood swings poor Lucius had gone through. They had named their boy Harrison Lucius Prince, as Severus had reverted to his mother's maiden name, wishing to start over. Also they wanted to show their love of the boy who had been a good friend to them before the disease took him.
Fenrir had left before ever getting to see the child however, as his pack needed him. This scent had drawn him back though. And he followed it to the Prince's backyard. Fenrir felt his breath hitch as he saw the boy thatthe scent was coming from. The teen was tall, although still shorter than himself. His hair was dark black, but braided back to his shoulders. He was thin by not in a sickly way. More like a graceful dancer. He was a perfect melding of the Malfoy and Snape lines. This must be Harrison. His Harry had returned to him.
He felt like wagging his tail as his presence was acknowledged by the fourteen year old. Fenrir grinned wolfishly when smokey grey eyes met his, mischievousness in their depths.

"Hello, Fenrir. It took you long enough."


I was told I should make a prequel buuut I'm unsure if I could. Anyways I hope you guys like it xD

-the Silent Observer-


  1. Toggles was supposed to be 'to those '
    Bloody iPod auto correct x_X

  2. Nice one, I liked the ending. And the "he was cheating on me with a >woman<" xD
