Monday, August 1, 2011

I'll Save You.

Day 2- I'm 112 today. I woke up with my heart beating rapidly...kinda made me nervous but I've stuck with my food plan. So far for breakfast I had Wheat Thins, and dried fruit. Lunch was Cereal/Silk and dried fruit. Tonight I'm having a turkey sammich(lol!)...dried fruit and veggies (a few more wheat thins to snack on so that I don't binge and feel anxious.) far...since I can't count the cals properly (hubby got rid of the boxes)...I'm winging it lol! So I'm kinda spazzing about it. But! I know I can do this.

On a separate note...I have the Sev/slave!Harry all ready for you! Enjoy!

I'll Save You-Sev/Harry-Warnings: Um...slash...character death (guess whoooo)...master/slave relationship...drug the usual lol! Enjoy!


I took a drag of my cigarette as I sat by the window. At my feet was the man who had wanted to kill my Master. I released my smoke filled breath at the still form. I hated them all for what they had put my Master through.
My eyes trailed from the corpse at my feet to the slumbering body on the bed. We were at Spinner's End. My Master's home. He had rescued me almost a year ago from my cruel relatives. In return for seeing to my recovery, I had promised him to always protect him. He had merely scowled.
I smiled softly in remembrance.
And then one Master slammed me against the wall, locked his lips on my own, and ravished me. All I could do in response was moan. Oh yes, my lovelies he really is that talented. We ended up admitting our feelings that night. He told me, if I allowed him to, that he would protect me, love me, take care of all my needs. I moaned like the whore I am and nodded. Then uttered the words that made him wild. He took me right there in that hallway. It was the first time, but not the last time, he would hear those words.

"Take me, Master."

Oh yes. Yes, I know what my place would be in our relationship. I didn't mind one bit. After all I was able to have food, a place to stay, a man to care for me, and hot hot sex.
He had had me hidden for a year now. Away from the Order, away from Voldie-head. And then one day (today in fact) my Master came home disoriented, a knife in his back and a Leech holding on. Said Leech's eyes bugged out when he spotted me. And I admit I may have...flipped out a bit. I growled my rage and with my temperamental magic, I crushed everyone in the Leech's body. Oh the blessed screams of agony! Even now I grow hard just remembering them. Oh! How he will reward me for keeping him safe. For destroying the menace.

I shivered and finished off my cancer stick, before flicking it out the window. I looked forward to it. And now the Menace was dead! Deader than dead. Wormy worm food. Fertilizer. No more would he annoy me with talk of how famous he wished he was. A moan from the bed drew my attention and I grinned excitedly. My Master slowly sat up. I felt like a wiggly puppy.

"H-Harry?" his velvet voice filtered through the room and my already hard cock jumped at the sound.

I moaned heatedly in response. His onyx eyes zeroed in on my form and I smirked before kicking the body at my feet, drawing his attention there. Malicious glee lit in his dark gaze and I shivered at the sight. Oh yes, I was going to get fucked hard tonight.

"You destroyed him?" was the question asked, pride pouring out of him.

I smiled, wondering briefly if I had sprouted a tail; I swear I could hear it thumping.
"I crushed his bones and let him die slowly as I tended to you, Master." I stated, feeling a wicked grin light up my face.

My Master's lips twitched in amusement and he motioned for me to come to him. Immediately I went to my Master, stopping by the side of the bed. Once I was there he grabbed my wrist and yanked me on top of him. I scrambled to a sitting position, straddling my Master's lap. He smirked and brushed a thumb over my lips. I moaned and darted out my tongue to lick at the pad of said digit. His eyes sparked.


I grinned, unrepentant and slowly ground down my hips. Master groaned and gripped my hip, leaning up for a heated kiss. I was in heaven. On cloud nine. After a few minutes he pulled away, his face lined with worry as he felt all over my body.

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

I smiled warmly, touched by my Master's concern. He had pulled me from the jaws of our enemy and still he worried more for me than himself. I kissed a trail up his jaw then back down to his neck.

"I incapacitated him before he could even react. I made him watch me as I healed you. He screamed and pleaded with me to help him. And I told him to shove it. That I enjoyed the control you have. He seemed disgusted with that for some reason."

My Master chuckled and reconnected our lips for another heated kiss. I felt my Master's lovely cock harden under the covers ( he was quite naked), and press against my butt cheek. I shivered with anticipation.

"Good job, my Minx. I think that deserves a reward."

I moaned, and nodded my head, tilting my neck to the side to give my Master access. At once he latched onto my throat and nibbled and licked, causing me to gasp and clutch at his shoulders.

"I want you to finger yourself and ride me, Harry. That will be your reward."

My eyes widdened. My Master had never relinquished his control like that. No matter how sick or in pain he was. I felt so honored. So loved. My eyes watered and I nodded as I kissed my Master frantically. I wanted him to know that what he'd told me to do, was the greatest gift I could have ever been given.
So with a final kiss to his cheek, I put three fingers in my mouth, swirling them around, my tongue lapping at my digits. I moved the covers away and then arched my back, pulling out my fingers with an obscene pop. I saw the sparkle of lust in my Master's eyes and smirked. Seductively, I trailed my fingers down my chest, circled my hips to my butt cheeks and then pushed a finger past that tight ring of muscles and into my hot heat. I moaned and began to finger myself. My Master's hands gripped my hips to steady me. In no time I was thrusting in a second then a third finger, twisting and stretching. I curled my fingers, hitting my prostate and I cried out, fucking myself on those fingers that I imagined were my Master's.

"Enough." he croaked and positioned his cock at my entrance. With a devilish grin I slammed down, relishing the pain even as I was completely filled.

My Master moaned and without waiting for me to adjust, slammed up. I cried out again as he hit my prostate dead on and then I moved, riding him as he'd commanded.

"O-oh Master! good!"

I felt so full. So warm. Owned. Dominated.

"Yes, my little Minx. Your body is greedily taking me in." he groaned out, his fingers bruising my hips.

I moaned and nodded. Yes my arse was greedy for his cock. Only his cock. I picked up my pace, and we shared another heated kiss. Passionate, raw, wild. Greedy. I was so greedy. But I didn't regret a moment of choosing the Potions Master, my Master, over everyone else in my life. He had never lied to me. Only loved me. Can you blame me for wanting to keep him to myself?

I didn't think so.

I was so close now. So close. More! There! Harder! Fuck!
I cried out his name in my release, my hole gripping his prick tight, and distantly I mused that he hardly had to touch me to get me to cum anymore. Soon after my Master emptied his essence into me and I sighed at the feel of it filling me up tothe brim. I simply loved my Master's come. He was marking me as his.
We shared some tender kisses after that. Gentle and loving. I whimpered in disappointment as his cock (glorious!) slipped from my arse.
My Master chuckled and cuddled me close. My eyes started to drift shut.

"You can sleep, Harry. I'll protect you. Thank you."

My velvet voiced Master pet my sides and back as I started falling asleep. I was safe. Safe. Safe.
*Thank you, Master Severus* I whispered in my head.

Sleepily I grinned. I wonder how he would react when he found the rest of the Order, dead, in the basement.

-the end?-

If there are mess ups again I ask for forgiveness. Wow he's kinda nuts in this one huh? Lol! I was watching Return to Oz and The Labryinth while typing it up lol! Totally kept getting distracted (snerk)...alright...I love you all! Be safe! Not exercising is driving me nuuuuuuuts! Lol!

-the Silent Observer-


  1. Hiya! I want to get to sleep before my coke zero wears off and I get hungry, lol. But I will read the fic tomorrow I promise. Congrats on moving towards your new goal weight! xoxox

  2. Yes, you can do it! :)

    Now, the story. Oh. My. God. A Harry/Snape relationship? Never expected that. I liked it very much, though :)
    Keep up the good work!

  3. I'm confused. how can you know if you've reached your calorie goal increase if the boxes have been taken away :3 Counting works both ways! Anyway, GL with moving up, and interesting story. Dark Harry :x

  4. Sweetie I know I've said it a MILLION times but I'm sooooo proud of you <3 Seems like you're doing awesome and yeah, it's scary, but so is the alternative. Just remember why you need to get better. I love you so much <3 <3

    Oh and great story XD You're an awesome writer!

  5. Wooo slave!Harry is a cutie! I liked him smoking a cigarette and being all smutty :3 This one is more recent than the last one you posted yes? It seems more polished, I liked the style, especially at the beginning when you were setting up the relationship. 'Oh yes my lovelies he really is that talented' xD And the ending made me lol! Good job!

    And I'm sorry about blaring your name all over the place, I thought it was just another alias when I said it :( Delete that comment if you want, I won't be offended. Love you! x
