Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Distance Made Equal

First, thank you all for trying to cheer me up. I realize I was being silly but 820 seems sooo high and since I can't really exercise (shouldn't but did anyways yesterday)it flips me out. I love you all for the encouragement! And I promise I'm getting my knee Becker out sometime Saturday. Have to wait until hubby gets paid lol!

Secondly, I thought I'd start with my oldest Harry Potter story! (Thank you forthe compliments on my OC story xD Aren't Fawn and Rabbit so adorable?). I warn you now...Harry is always a submissive in my stories. I love him this way and I am one so Harry will be lol! Also I only write slash. Sooo if you don't like Yaoi you might want to skip.
Alot of my stories are oneshots too. So anyways. Here we go.

Distance Made Equal- Draco/Harry-Warnings: mentions of attempted rape. Slash. Ron bashing if you squint and tilt your head to the side.


Draco heard sniffles as he neared the staircase that led to the upper floors of Hogwarts. He was intrigued despite himself and hurried closer, a ready taunt on his lips. It died quickly when he spotted a battered and thoroughly mussed up Harry Potter. Bane of his existence and...was he cradling his jaw? Rubbing at an ankle?
Draco paused. Harry looked like he'd been beaten severly. Maybe even...

The blond Slytherian inwardly balked at that thought. No one would dare touch Potter like that. Feeling oddly angry at whoever had hurt the Gryffindor prodigy, he glided closer to the bespectacled teen. Those emerald eyes met his own mercury ones and Draco bit on a gasp. Such pain resided in those green jewels that for a moment Malfoy wondered if there had ever been happiness in their depths. Finally, their intense eye battle ended as Harry looked away.

"Whatdo you want, Malfoy?"

Draco winced at the tired and deflated tone. For a second time in a matter of minutes, Draco wanted to throttle whoever had done this damage to his prey.

"You look like shite, Potter." he stated with a raised brow.

The laugh that Harry barked out was amused as well as irritated in sound.
"Always the charmer, huh Malfoy?" his eyes were slightly wary, but if Draco looked closely he noted the was mild amusement.

Draco flashed him a quick smirk before his brows furrowed.
"Who did this to you?" he questioned calmly. His eyes of silver, however, glinted with his anger.

Harry looked away again, a flash of shame, anger, pain, and finally defeat passed trough his gaze. The hand on his jaw dropped to his lap and he curled in on himself.
"Leave it be Malfoy." he moaned and winced when a twinge shot through his leg.
"Fuuuck." he hissed and clutched at his ankle.

Draco tsked in annoyance and dropped to his knees. He gently but firmly prodded Harry's hands away and took the injured ankle in question into his hands.

"Malfoy what- ah!" came the surprised gasp and Draco smirked a moment before resuming his massage of Harry's injured limb.

"Sprained is all." the Slytherian muttered and watched with satisfaction as Harry's eyelids fluttered shut, a moan of pleasure escaping his lips.

"Feel better?" Draco inquired and shivered when Harry arched into his touch.

The blond narrowed his eyes. So the rumors were true. Potter was into cock. He filed that away as he pressed into a particularly knotted spot and almost creamed his pants when Harry arched again and gasped out :
"Oh gods, Draco!"
He applied the pressure of his fingers to that spot. After a while he deemed Harry fit enough to at least limp without too much pain. He reluctantly let Harry's foot go and sat back to look the panting teen over.

"Tell mewhat happened, Harry." he said softly, eyes never leaving Harry's emerald gaze when it finally rested on him.

The raven haired teen licked at his bottom lip and Draco's eyes immediately zeroed in on the action.

"Why do you suddenly care, Draco?"

Since when had they been on first names? Draco mentally shrugged. Whatever. Harry intrigued him. He'd never seen the 'Chosen' Harry Potter guard. Harry continued to appear cautious and Draco finally shook his head.

"I don't rightly know. You should answer anyways. I don't feel like badgering you all night but I will."

Harry winced and dragged a shaking hand through his hair. He nervously licked at his lips and Draco felt his cock harden. That tongue was sinful.

"I..." he paused," I was beaten...and almost...almost..." Harry shuddered and swallowed, tightly closing his eyes. He never noticed Draco's eyes glitter with supressed rage.

"Raped?" Draco supplied and nearly growled when Harry flinched and timidly nodded.

"Who did it?" he whispered, a portrait of perfect calm.

Harry knew better. He'd been secretly obsessed with Malfoy for years. He knew the Slytherian better than he knew his own friends. He secretly loved the older teen.
"It doesn't matter, Draco." he whispered and bowed his head.

Abruptly his companion stood. Expecting to be hit, the Gryffindor Seeker flinched, and was ashamed o the weakness. He heard Draco curse then felt those thin pale fingers rest under his chin, forcing him to lock gazes with fiery silver eyes. Harry couldn't hide his moan of arousal even if he wanted to. The look Draco was giving him was The Slytherian's eyes fluttered at the sound.

"Answer me Harry."

It was a command that Harry, against all his instincts, couldn't deny.
"Crabbe. Goyle. They cornered me after Snape let me out of detention." he rasped and watched with surprise as Draco's expression changed from shock to disgust.

"Maggots." came Malfoy's hiss of hatred and Harry shrunk a little.

Seeing the reaction, the Slytherian Seeker's countenance softened and he gently ran his other hand through Harry's hair, eliciting another groan of arousal.
"I shall deal with them." Draco's voice dripped with promises Harry couldn't even begin to interpret.

Harry leaned into the blond's touch and sighed.
"Draco. Why do you care?"

The teen stiffened but resumed his gentle touches.
"No one hurts what is mine." was the growled response.

Emerald met silver, desire crackling in the air and Harry found himself not minding one bit at the thought of being ravished right then and there.
Draco nodded and leaned down to swiftly and passionately claim Harry's mouth with his own. Harry groaned and was going to lean further in when a rush of footsteps drove them apart.


"Blimey Harry! We got here as fast as we could!"

Draco sneered and stepped back, making Harry whimper at the loss. After a second of debate, the snake resumed his previous task of running his hand in Harry's hair.
The lion in question sent him a grateful look and Draco preened at the attention.


Draco cast a glare at Granger and Weasley as they stopped beside their friend. Seeing their astonished faces brought him endless amounts of amusement.
"Granger. Weasley. So nice of you to make an appearance."

This produced a string of curses from Weasley, who made to step forward but was waylaid by Harry, who stood with a yelp and limped in front of Draco.
"Stop, Ron. I've had enough violence for one night." Harry said through clenched teeth, new pain in his ankle making him favor his leg.

Draco rolled his eyes and sidled up beside Harry, dragging the brunet's arm over his shoulder, even as he slipped his arm around Harry's waist. He was rewarded with a small smile of graditude and the blond nodded slightly.

"Harry who did this to you?" asked Hermione, causing Harry to tense and Draco to growl.

"Don't worry about it, Granger." Draco snapped and felt a new anger sweep through him when he felt Harry relax against him once more.
*Stupid Mudblood, making Harry remember this shite all over again.* Draco though viciously.

Ron scowled.
"Fuck off, Malfoy! He's our friend and it's our right to know!"

Draco sneered and was going to reply when he felt Harry steak ten a little. Even the snake gasped when Harry laid his head on Draco's shoulder.
"Don't goad them, Draco."

Draco clenched his teeth but he sniffed and nodded. Surprise flitted through Hermione's eyes before a small grin could be seen.
"Forgive us Harry. You know how much we care for to." she turned her all knowing gaze on Draco and tilted her head." I suppose you know who they are and intend to make these miscreants suffer?"

Draco's smile was purely preditorial as he gave a curt nod. Hermione chuckled darkly then sighed. Grabbing Ron's robes, she tugged on them as she started back down the hall.
"Take care of him, Malfoy. I don't want to have to hex you and make Harry angry." was the young woman's reply and Draco snorted.

He liked her in spite of himself. His attention reverted Weasley, who was glaring a him but saying nothing as he was toted off. Then they were gone and Harry fully sagged against Dracos body.

"Draco, please, take me to Madame Pomfrey or something. This pain is too much." came Harry's whispered voice and Draco cursed his slowness of doing the healing sooner.

"You don't need her. Not for a sprain."
Harry winced.
"it's not just a sprain you nit. I think I have a broken rib or two."

Dracos rage at his former friends increased.
"Right. Let's go."

They started off at a slow pace and they were silent for sometime.

"Thank you."

Draco lifted a perfectly sculpted brow but nodded. He knew Harry would have done the same for him, regardless of their roles in each other's lives.

"I meant what I said earlier."

A puzzled pause.
"About what?"

Draco locked gazes with Harry once more and growled low.
"You are mine."
He witnessed with unconcealed pleasure as his words caused Harry to pant.

"Ok," another pause," But that means you are mine as well." Harry snapped, a sudden fierceness in his green eyes.

Draco scoffed but smiled gently.
"Whatever Harry."

Harry grinned and Draco felt as if he'd been suckerpunched.
"When I'm better, we'll see who claims who first, Draco."

A shiver stole through the blond and he licked his lips with a feral grin.
"I look forward to it, lover."

Harry blushed and as they entered Madame Pomfrey's domain, wondered exactly where this new road would take him. He grinned. He couldn't wait to find out.


Ok I know it's OOC, like whoa, but it was my first HP story. And I also know that people who are abused don't trus so easily afterwards (trust me I know first hand)...but it is only a oneshot..and it's AU. In my mind (however unrealistic it might end up being) I likethe happy fluffy endings. I've been working on making my newer work more please bare with my older writing style TT-TT it's so horrible lol!
Also this story is after Voldie-love has been defeated(sob!).

Well now that I can't see without my eyes crossing...I'll leave this for ou guys to read. I hope you like it! Love you all! And be safe!

-The Silent Observer-

(ps. *checked not iPod has auto correct and for some reason the touch screen likes being a jerk off. Lol! If there are anymore I'm sorry!)


  1. Gahh I don't have time to read all this right now!! I will by the end of the night I promise!!! <3

    Also haha Becker XD I was very confused!

  2. Hee hee that was fun ^__^ OOC for sure but that's pretty much the only way to make Harry/Draco work!

    What with watching the final movie and now reading this, I'm feeling a Harry Potter slash fiction writing frenzy coming on... ;)

    I'd love to read some of your newer stuff and see how your writing style has changed! x

  3. Whoa, that was cool. I've read other HP slash stories, but never with Harry/Draco. Definitely loved this one.
