Thursday, July 14, 2011

That's not supposed to happen...

So I weigh 116. I went a whole day withot calorie counting buyout I still kept them low so I guess I cheated (I kept to things I know were really low and ate a small amount. See? Cheating lol!)

So I went looking for some nice Yaoi pics annnd came up with a Koala in one of the picutres given. Say what? How is a Koala in any way related to Yaoi?

Oh and the immature person is talking to my husband more than I. Like he doesn't talk to me about what they say. Like we don't know we are being used when they open their mouths and ask something of us. We aren't dumb.

Soooo I realized I really hate people who pose. They say pretty words to you and then you think they understand and then you turn and you suddenly have a knife in your back. I really hate the ones who think an ED is just something that is fixed by 'You need to eat more!' or 'Quit counting calories and focus more on eating' or my favorite 'Just stop!'
You pricks! If I could quit don't you think I bloody well would have?!
Then you have the ones who fake having ED because it's the social norm or because they want attention. I loathe those too. Those people think it's fun! I'm bloody well not laughing! It isn't funny to me!
I'm suffering every day with this constant gnawing, itching, burning obsession to check my work out harder damnit because I'm not fucking skinny enough! Fat! I see fat all over me! So piss off you sods!
This isn't something that is so easily cured.

Anyways. Anyone have their thoughts on the matter? Let those idiots know that it isn't fun and games for us?

-the Silent Observer-

Ps: Thank you Katy for your continued support! Good luck! And thank you CM for helping me as well. I love you both!


  1. *totally meant to put 'buuuuuut' not 'buyout' what the crap spellcheck! Lol!

  2. Aww honey, idk about people who are having 'fake' ed... At the start it is exhilarating and fun to see the pounds shed... which is part of what makes it so addictive, right? Those who are truely fake will end up stopping after a while because it's too hard to keep up for a normal person, and the ones who don't stop... well...

    I don't think it becomes the hellish struggle you're talking about until you've gotten low enough to be where you know in your mind you should be satisfied, or at least be feeling better about yourself, but find you still aren't... Also a lot of those types are much younger and lack the maturity it takes to see what a trap they are getting themselves into. Honestly I feel bad for them more than anything else.

    If any girl who is thinking about going "pro-ed" to lose weight reads this, please stop before it's too late. The lighter you get, the heavier the anxiety about regaining each ounce becomes... It's as if each lb becomes a weight on your soul. Please find another way to accomplish your goals <3
