Monday, July 25, 2011

The Thieves

Ok so first I'd like to warn you guys that this is Twincest,ok? I'm a big fan of it and all that hoopla. Also I'm still 115. Totally random lol! Annnd I should really warn you that this is old. Like...2003-04 old. My writing has improved (slightly) so I apologize for it's...roughness. It ends abruptly because my ideas fizzled out lol! So any plot ideas and the like would be lovely guys...

The Thieves- Fawn/Rabbit- Warnings: Slash...Twincest...magic...stealing (it's wrong kids! Lol)...child abuse (of multiple kinds)...and if there's anything I missed I'm sorry. Onward!


Fawn winced as the leather strip bit into his skin. He had to get free! Who else was going to save his twin? He heard a familiar scream echo through the halls of their house, and it made him even angrier.

"The old man's getting better." he stated and struggled harder against his leather restraints.

Of the two of them, Fawn was the stronger and more agile. Where as his brother was more docile, Fawn had no problem with beating you to a pulp and then asking your bleeding corpse questions later on. Most people stayed clear of Rabbit when Fawn was nearby. Thy knew if they tried anything, Fawn would most likely kill them.
However, that didn't matter. Rabbit and Fawn were never apart. Their powers were heightened when together, making them even stronger.

"Rabbit." he whispered, knowing his brother was in extreme pain.


Fawn broke free of his bonds and raced out of the closet he had been placed into, and down the hall where his brother was being beaten. He smashed open the door and stopped. Never had he seen so much blood. Especially since it was his brother's. Fawn growled and glared angrily at their father. His anger increase when he noticed that his brother's pants were no longer on his slender form. Not only had he been beaten, he'd been sodomized.

"Father. How dare you!" he ground out behind clenched teeth.

Their father turned away from Rabbit, who was staring at his brother with wide frightened eyes, and towards Fawn.

"Why do you complain? You have sex with him every night if you can." Father pointed out.

Fawn clenched his fists. His blue eyes darkened to the colour blue streaked in his black hair. He lowered his head.

"Yes. I do it because he has allowed me to. He said he loved me and only me. And I..." his eyes met Rabbit's. They softened slightly as he continued,"...I love him."

A small whimper escaped Rabbit's lips as he turned his head and began to cry.

Fawn brought his attention back to his Father.
"Let him go."

Father refused.

Fawn readied himself to fight and cast another loving glance his brother's way.


The scene was fading around him.
What was going on?



Fawn awoke to his brother's concerned face, inches from his own. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with a relieved sigh. How had he ended up like this to begin with? He searched his memory and blinked in remembrance. Rabbit and he had been on a mission to take the most valued Owl Ivory Statue ever made. They had been successful but had been knocked out in the process due to unforeseen magical traps.

"Fawn are you ok? Hey!"

Fawn's blue eyes swiveled to catch his brother's green ones.
"Shut up, idiot," he croaked, and Rabbit grinned, leaning forward to hug him close.

The heat from his body sent shockwaves of pleasure through Fawn's. He moaned in response to the close contact. He had promised himself he would never tell his brother how he felt for him but it was getting increasingly hard for that to happen. His brother, thankfully, mistook his moan for one of pain, and sat back. The worry had returned to his gaze.

"Did I hurt something?"

Fawn rolled his eyes and slowly sat up.
"No, stupid. Where are we?" he looked around him inquisitively. He was in a room. Not too big yet not small either. It's walls were black and it's curtains were a dark crimson velvet. The bed he was on (or, was a queen sized bed with tall dark wooden posts and a black canopy over top. The sheets were thick and had intertwined red dragons in flight as it's design. The black background enhanced the effect of the portrait. The pillows were satin, matching the over all colour scheme of the room. Red ribbons decorated their top two corners while lace trim traced the outside.
Rabbit giggled at Fawn's open mouthed expression.

"Remember that hideout I'd told you I'd made? This is it. Don't worry. Jerry has the statue."

Fawn took a second look and whistled.
"You've been doing this how long?"

Rabbit winked but shook his head.
"I'm not telling you anything." he replied with a grin.

Fawn hit him with one ofthe pillows. Rabbit giggled and hit back...thus insued the pillow fight. Fawn secretly vowed he would make his twin laugh and giggle as much as he could. He decided it was a sound he liked hearing. He remembered his dream and sighed. Although the events were true...the confessing was only fantasy. His brother and he hadn't even shared the bed except for sleeping. In a way it made Fawn want his brother even more. They had no one except for each other. So naturally, when Fawn was alone, he'd be found jerking off to a picture of his brother. Or a fantasy of them making love. He couldn't help it. Compared to all the people, male or female,he'd met, his brother wasthe only one he wanted. The only one he could trust.
He shook himself from his thoughts and brought up the pillow in his hands too late.


He lay back on the bed, laughing. Something he only did when he was with his brother. He lay like that for a long while, just laughing, until his brother pounced on him. Rabbit landed on his brother's stomach. Although Fawn could feel Rabbit's closeness, he supersede his urge to moan and instead giggled a bit. He poked Rabbit's side, causing said boy to wiggle on top of him.
Bad move.
Fawn moaned and turned his head to the side, gripping the sheets of the bed as pleasure wracked his entire body. Rabbt stopped, thinking he'd hurt his brother in some way.

"Fawn? What's wrong?"

Fawn fought the urge to press his hips against his twin's and locked eyes with said boy. Rabbit saw an emotion he'd seen only once before. The look of lust his father had had before he'd sodomized him. The look, he noticed with excitement and relief, was slightly different in his brother's eyes.

"You remember when you told me you loved me? And I shrugged it off?"

Rabbit nodded.

"I did that because I love you too. More than I should."

Rabbt was confused now. He stated as much.

"I want you."

Rabbit blinked, then it sank in what his twin was telling him.
"You want to do what father did?"

Fawn winced. He'd forgotten. Rabbit had experienced the less then pleasent side of sex. He shook his head.
"Not exactly. I won't be after you purely out of lust. I do love you. More than anyone. I want to be with you."

The blond twin blinked again.
"So you're asking be your boyfriend?" a light of joy played in his green eyes.

Fawn nodded slowly.
Rabbit leaned forward and laid his head on Fawn's chest. He sighed.
"I love you too,Fawn. More than anyone. Ever." he finally replied.

Fawn moaned in relief and brought up his arms to wrap around his brother. They stayed in each other's arms for quite a while. Neither paying any attention to what was happening around them. Finally, when they began to stir again, they disengaged their bodies from one another. Rabbit stood and lightly brushed himself off.

"You want anything to eat?" he asked with a smile.

Fawn laughed nervously as his stomach rumbled.
"Sure." he replied.
Rabbit giggled and walked out of the room.


A knock at the door signaled they were no longer alone. They couldn't discuss what they were going to do next in terms of the next hit. Rabbit opened the door to his hideout and grinned even before he uttered the word 'hello'. Fawn was confused until he saw who it was.

"Theo? Is that you?" he asked, trying to sit up properly.

The silver eyed ex-priest bowed his head in respect.
"Fawnie." he replied with a sneer, his deeper baritone shook the twins to their marrow whenever he spoke.

Fawn glared at the brown haired twenty eight year old.
"Ha.Ha. Ha. Cut the crap, what are you doing here?"

Rabbit looked at his brother guiltily as he changed positions from his Mentor's side to his twin's.
"Sorry. I invited Master to come over. He promised to help you with your shielding technique." he confessed.

Theodore smiled and nodded. Fawn was surprised. Theo normally didn't smile for anyone. A momentary flash of protectiveness shot through him until he noted that Theo was smiling at Rabbit as if he were older brother to them. Fawn sighed in relief and relaxed a bit.

"So when can the lazy bum get out of bed?"

Fawn gritted his teeth and retrained himself from coming back with a scathing retort. Rabbit found it funny and giggled.
"In a few days unfortunately. Would you like to stay until then?" the green eyed thief asked, straightening the covers that still hid Fawn's body from sight.

Theo nodded. He was more than happy to do that. Of course he was also very hungry. Rabbit snickered and bounded off to make something for his Mentor. When he was gone, Theodore turned to look Fawn over.
"Now. I see he's happier than normal. Is he ok?"

Fawn blushed and looked away.
"He's fine."

Theo grinned.
"You told him didn't you?"
A nod.
"He accepted?"
The blush that fanned across Fawn's nose darkened and he nodded again.
Theo smiled, happy-if not a little jealous- for the twins.

--that's it--

Yup that's all I had! See what I mean? My brain just went poof and died. Ok some explanations. Fawn and Rabbit share powers over elements. But Fawn's powers are mostly defensive (although they are very aggressive) while Rabbits are offensive. Theodore's power is over the music element and he has both the offensive and defensive abilities. He found the twins after they had run off from their father. He's beenteaching them for about two years by the time this story starts up. Jerry is their contact. He tells them of different places they can hit, to steal a magical object that would otherwise be used as a weapon against other elementals likethemselves. They basically are like Robin Hood I suppose lol!
Theo kinda has a crush on Rabbit, but Rabbit and Fawn only have eyes for each other. I never came up with actual names for them soooo suggestions would be nice too lol! That is if this story grabbed at you. I'd have to re-write it and all that but..I don't mind as it's only three pages in anyways. Let me know what you think!

-the Silent Observer-


  1. I liked it :) You're definitely an awesome writer! I wish I had some ideas for you but I'm blanking right now haha. It's still early!! I'm glad you posted this though, it was a great read <3

  2. Heyyy that was a good read :) I really like how Fawn is so protective of Rabbit. I usually prefer stories where the seme/uke roles are not so clear cut but with bromance it's very sweet to have that protective element in there too, it worked really well ^__^

    My vote for the next one would be either Harry Potter or Digimon please! xxx

  3. I finally read it xD
    I think it's very well written, good job! :)

    Keep up the good work <3
