Friday, July 22, 2011

Sour Patch Kids

Have you ever felt like you were being stared down by candy? Like it's just glareing at you, angry that you haven't delved your greedy fat fingers into the depths of it's bag/wrapper to stuff your face?
Well the Sour Patch Kids are doing that to me right now lol!
I'm ignoring it as I have been more focused on my story...but yeah...I can still feel their evil little eyes giving me the angry 'Eat Me!' stare.

Really guys I'm just so happy! I have dropped to 115 today and I'm thrilled at the drop. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it off!
I hope you guys have a brilliant day! Be safe and I love you!

-the Silent Observer-


  1. Looks like you're doing a good job, congrats! :)

    I hate it when food stares and me and says "Eat me! Come on, one bite won't hurt! Or maybe two bites..? Oh come on, don't tell me you'll gain weight from a cookie!"
    Ah, it's just annoying xD

  2. It really is! And often times it's like getting into an argument with yourself and food (or a staring contest =_=). Buuut I'm still ignoring them! Win!
