Friday, July 29, 2011

Silence! I kill you!

Ok so before I post the story...I thought I should share that I'm 114 today! Happy dances all around! I'm kind of resigning myself to the fact that hubby just...doesn't need to know right yet. Maybe. I really am lost and confused about this. So if it sounds like I'm being weird I apologize. I ate Green Beans with Tabasco: Chipolte on it. Oh gawd guys...if you love green beans...and hotsauce? I totally recommend it (thanks CM for suggesting it). It's low cal (Meg cal) and epically nummy!
Alright. Now for the story behind this...erm...story. A little bit ago hubby and I were at a party. These people were rowdy and inconsiderate of their housemates who hadn't been made aware of said party. Said roommates had work and needed sleep. Did the partiers care? Nope. It really aggravated I would have at least told everyone they had to leave at a certian time you know? Anyways this story is for those of us that have gone through the same thing...and all we want to do is Avada Kedavra the lot of them.

Silence! I Kill You!- Fenrir/Harry- Warnings: pissy Harry...mentions of slash...character deaths. Gay bashing (don't worry...the bitch dies...i dislike such people)


Harry rolled over, his eye twitching as the music from next door elevated to volumes incondusive to sleeping. What was their problem? He was trying to sleep! He and Fenrir had had a long (glorious MINDBLOWING ) night and he was tired. Sore. All he wanted to do was curl up in the fluffy comforter and blankets that still smelled of his lover, and go to dreamland until Fen came back.
He growled when there came arguments to join the cacophony of irritating sounds emanating from his neighbors. Really people? Some people had better things to do than drink and party like idiots. Like the war that was still bloody raging. Fenrir was gone for that reason exactly. He was on a mission for the Dark Lord and had been forced to leave early to gather his pack for his task. Bunch of muggles that needed to die and all that rot.
Speaking of muggles.
Harry tried to snuggle into his blankets again. He dragged his penguin and kitty plushies close to press them over each ear, attempting to drown out the horrid noise. It wasn't working. Who really needed to feel the music in their teeth? Did they really need their piss to vibrate?
He wanted to go over there and Crucio the lot of them. It was an interesting thought. An entertaining one.

The music and arguing escalated and Harry threw back the covers with a violent curse and dressed in a pair of Fenrir's silk boxers, ( not that the bastard ever wore them- friggin nudist). He grabbed his wand and opened the door to his room. He cursed some more when he stubbed his toe on one of his shoes and idly wondered if he could convince his lover to kiss it better. Snickering slightly, he flung open the front door to his apartment and stalked to his neighbor's.
He angrily knocked on the door.

A female with too much make up and too little clothes (was that a camel toe ? Harry threw up a little in his mouth) answered the door, popping her chewing gum as she leered at him. Harry's eye twitched once more. He hated women forthis reason exactly. Give him a nice hard cock and rock hard abs any day. Flabby boobs and camel toe? You could keep that to yourself.
Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he sneered.

"I'm trying to sleep, could you please turn it down?" he asked calmly. Oh the headache that was attacking his brain. He really wanted to strangle the bint.

She looked him over like he was a piece of steak and he nearly threw up again.
"Why don't you forget sleeping and join me? I can show you a good time, cutie."

Harry stiffened and glared at her.
"Number one. No. I'm in a committed relationship with a very handsome man. Two, I won't ask you again. Turn. It. Down."

The woman's face became puce coloured and Harry smirked viciously at her anger.
"Fuck you Fag!"

She slammed the door in his face. A few minutes later the volume reached maximum levels. Harry, meanwhile, felt a being throb in his temple and he felt the feral need to tear the bith to pieces.
That's it. They were all dead.
He withdrew his wand and cast Bombarda, followed by quite a few Avada Kedavra's. The partiers screamed as their friends dropped like flies thanks to the shirtless boy with a power stick. It was all over within minutes and then there was blessed silence.

Harry left the now silent apartment and traveled back to his own. He locked the door behind him, returned to his room. He curled up under his covers and sighed in relief. He wondered how Fenrir would feel about the lack of neighbors. Maybe he'd get extra sex.
Snickering, he inhaled deeply as he cuddled his plushies and fell asleep.
Silence is golden.


So yus I know it's kind of crack-ish. It was meant merely as a venting story. Humor and all that blah. Lol! But I really hope ou guys enjoyed it! And remember it be time you come across one of these kinds of people lol! Maybe it will calm you down xD
Now please note...I have nothing against partiers. I have everything against inconsiderate people. Such as these. I love you all!
*huggles all her favorite gay people* I love you guys toooo!

- the Silent Observer-
(ps. Bloody iPod did it again guys! Sorry for the typos! Definitely was supposed to say 'Neg cals' not 'Meg cals' but I'm sure you guys understood -hopefully- Also 'being' is supposed to be 'Vein' Fuck! This won't let me scroll up either to fix it...sorry guys x_X)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice story :)

    I love Harry's plushies xD They're so cute.

    Love ya <3
